Offentlig utilgjengelige kilder fra New York, publisert for første gang

Fødselsregistre og dødsregistre fra Yonkers i New York er nå skannet inn og publisert på nett. Foto: Reclaim the Records

For første gang har flere slektshistoriske kilder fra Yonkers i New York, blitt tilgjengelige for publikum. Kildene har hverken vært tilgjengelige for offentligheten i originalform, via mikrofilm eller digitalt, før nå.


Med noen “hull” har fødselsregistre og dødsregistre over Yonkers, New York for perioden 1875-1916 nå blitt skannet og lagt ut på Internet Archive.

Yonkers er en bydel i New York som befinner seg rundt 20-30 kilometer nord for Manhattan. Slektsforskere som har hatt behov for tilgang til disse kildene i dette området, har tidligere ikke hatt muligheten.

Det har ikke vært mulig å lete gjennom kildene via mikrofilm ei heller digitalt, frem til nå.

Organisasjonen “Reclaim the Records” som jobber for å gjøre historiske kilder fritt tilgjengelig for alle, har nå gjort et gjennombrudd med kildene fra Yonkers i New York.

Under kan du klikke deg inn på de nylig skannede sidene fra Yonkers.

Reclaim the Records – status over kildene fra Yonkers

Record TypeYearsFormatNotes
Yonkers Births1875-1882Birth Index + Birth RegisterWe thought the records started in 1880-81. Nope, turns out it was 1875, plus a few scattered late registrations from some earlier years.
Yonkers Births1882-1886Birth Index ONLYWe hope to photograph the Birth Register in the back of this book on a return visit.
Yonkers Births1887-1890Birth Index + Birth RegisterActually starts late 1886. Missing photos of two pages in the Index, for some surnames starting with letters S and U.
Yonkers Births1890-1893Birth Index + Birth Register 
Yonkers Births1893-1895Birth Index + Birth Register 
Yonkers Births1895-1897Birth Index + Birth Register 
Yonkers Births1898-1900MISSING?It is unclear whether this book survived; the office staff did not bring it out to us. If it still exists, we hope to photograph it on our return visit.
Yonkers Births1900-1914Birth Index ONLYThis book does not include a Register. It does include a few delayed birth registrations from other years outside this range.
Yonkers Birthsunlabeled,
but approx.
Birth Index ONLYThis book does not include a Register. It does include a few delayed birth registrations from other years outside this range. It is not clear why these births were compiled into a separate book from the previous book.
Yonkers BirthsFebruary 1915 –
April 1916
Birth Index + Birth Register in a “mini certificate” formatThese Birth Registers are in a different format from the previous books, and almost look like a miniature birth certificate. Several records are covered over with white paper taped over the original page, presumably as a crude redaction of the original birth records of adoptees.
Yonkers Deaths1875-1884Death Index + Death RegisterWe thought the records started in 1880-81. Nope, turns out it was 1875.
Yonkers Deaths1884-1889Death Index + Death Register 
Yonkers Deaths1890-1916NOT YET AVAILABLEThere are an unknown number of books covering deaths between 1890 and approximately 1915-16. The Clerk’s Office has mentioned in e-mails that the books after 1900 are in poor condition. We hope to photograph all of these on our return visit.
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